
Help Ezibu Muntu Design a New Space

Ezibu Muntu African Dance & Cultural Foundation is a professional organization of dancers, drummers, and entertainers dedicated to invoking a better educated positive understanding of African culture, values, traditions, and the cultural arts. As Ezibu Muntu develops a capital campaign for their aging building in the heart of the Arts & Cultural District, they seek assistance in prioritizing improvements, which range from repairing leaks, to expanding their studio space, to improving their façade. Contact Storefront to help maintain Ezibu Muntu as a safe haven for creative expression for developing children and aspiring artists.

Design with a lively hive: Application for Spring 2016 mOb Design Session opens

Design with a lively hive: Application for Spring 2016 mOb Design Session opens

Storefront's Design Session program engages professional and emerging designers to provide conceptual assistance on community-initiated projects. Through a partnership with VCUarts, Storefront offers a unique track of design assistance that engages a lively hive of 30 students representing the fashion, graphic, and interior design departments. 

Storefront to host Public Art Master Plan Meeting

Storefront to host Public Art Master Plan Meeting

You are invited to attend an open meeting for designers interested in discussing the future of public art in Richmond. Your ideas about what Richmond is and what it can be are important! This event is being held in support of Richmond’s effort to create a comprehensive plan for public art in the city.

Design a Processing Kitchen for Community Garden

Storefront's volunteer landscape architects are working with VSU's Harding Street Community Garden initiative to create a variety of garden types along a corridor of vacant lots. Anchoring the block is a community center, which will be used as an educational space and processing kitchen for produce grown along Harding Street. The head of the program Duron Chavis is seeking assistance from an interior designer or architect to make the kitchen more efficient for processing vegetables.