Storefront Announces Search for New ED

Hello SFCD Community, 

Over two years ago Shawn Balon took over as Executive Director of Storefront for Community Design (SFCD) and led us through a time of transition and growth. Under Shawn's leadership in 2022, SFCD announced a bold, new vision and a three-year strategic plan. Shawn guided the successful implementation of the plan’s first year with significant impact towards our mission to make design accessible for all who love our city of Richmond.

As is often the case with talented and accomplished individuals, however, their services are constantly in demand. It is with warm wishes and sad hearts we announce that as of May 26th, Shawn will no longer be with SFCD and will be transitioning to a new role at Timmons Group as Studio Director for the landscape architecture group in Richmond. Shawn has graciously agreed to support select projects during the transition, including DesignRVA in June.

As a board we’d like to thank Shawn for his commitment to SFCD and the Richmond community, and we wish him success in his new role.

To accommodate Shawn’s departure, the Board of Directors and SFCD staff have already begun implementing a transition plan to locate a new Executive Director quickly. We’re working with Letts Consult to seek highly qualified candidates for the role.

We ask that you please share this opportunity with your network and encourage interested individuals to apply.

Thank you,

Bernard Harkless
Board Chair


Notes from the Field: May Program Highlights


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