Submission Deadline: Monument Avenue: General Demotion/General Devotion


Submission Deadline December 1, 2018 at 11:59PM EST!

With less than two weeks remaining for submissions for the national competition, we want to remind you to register and/or submit your vision reimagining Monument Avenue and participate in a design ideas competition to facilitate constructive dialogue around the historic street, Confederate history, urban planning, and public art. 

Or, if you know anyone who you think might be interested, connect them to the competition!


We are concurrently running a high school ideas competition called Youth Monumental to design and model the next monument for Monument Avenue. Any high school student from around the Richmond Region are invited to submit their design and model/sculpture of the next monument on Monument Avenue. Submissions are due December 15.

More information about the high school competition, submissions, requirements, and an upcoming workshop at the Six Points Innovation Center (6PIC) can be found at


Design Session in 2018: 34 Projects, 100% District Representation


Veils of Ignorance: A Collection of Works 2004-2018